Ali Altaf Mian This forum on SherAli Tareen’s landmark study, Defending Muhammad in Modernity, illuminates several key terms in the study of religion
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Irfan Ahmad on Islam today If Immanuel Kant was the “Papa Enlightenment Subject,” a phrase used by anthropologist William Mazzarella, literary critic Edward
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Bruce Fudge on al-Ḥarīrī translated by Michael Cooperson Impostures is ostensibly the translation of a twelfth-century Arabic text entitled “The Maqāmas.” Nobody knows
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Stephen Burge on Gabriel Reynolds Gabriel Reynolds’ The Qur’an and the Bible: Text and Commentary, is a handsomely produced volume, and an intriguing
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Asad Dandia on Faith and COVID-19 In response to COVID-19, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo issued an executive order announcing that all businesses
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Wendy M.K. Shaw in Conversation Art history is often presented as a field cleansed of religious impulses during the process of modernity. This
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Timothy Gutmann on Kristian Petersen In recent years, Muslim communities in the People’s Republic of China have entered a new state of precarity.
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David Bennett on Racha el Omari A confluence of unusual circumstances allowed for an explosion of original thought in the 9th Century—the 3rd
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Mairaj Syed’s book provides a highly readable introduction into how a group of Muslim theologians and jurists understood coercion as a theological, ethical
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