Monica Miller and Christopher Driscoll engage in impolite conversation with John L. Jackson, Jr. In the first installment in this new series, Conversations
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Makoto Fujimura, San Diego, November 23, 2014 This speech is a prayer: a prayer uttered in the liminal zone between art and religion, a
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Jonathan Jong on Fraser Watts and Léon Turner (eds.), Evolution, Religion, & Cognitive Science: Critical & Constructive Essays That human beings are incorrigibly religious is
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Michael J. Altman on Chad E. Seales’s The Secular Spectacle: Performing Religion in a Southern Town The pig is a sacrifice in the American South.
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Art Remillard talks with Amy DeRogatis about her new book, Saving Sex: Sexuality and Salvation in American Evangelicalism. DeRogatis is Associate Professor of
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Kristian Petersen talks with Peter Iver Kaufman, Chair in Leadership Studies at the University of Richmond, about the new book series with Penn
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Kristian Petersen talks with Elizabeth Shakman Hurd, Associate Professor of Political Science at Northwestern University, about the Politics of Religious Freedom.
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Kristian Petersen talks with Robert Geraci, Associate Professor of Religious Studies at Manhattan College, about video games, artificial intelligence, virtual reality, and the
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Art Remillard talks with Steve Almond about his new book, Against Football: One Fan’s Reluctant Manifesto. Almond is a literary critic and author
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Kristian Petersen talks with Kathryn Lofton, Professor of Religious Studies at Yale University, about religion in popular culture, the culture concept of the
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