Ayelet Haimson Lushkov Some people have all the luck. Alexander the Great said that he loved his tutor, the philosopher Aristotle, more than
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Jews Out of the Question: A Critique of Anti-Anti-Semitism A Forum Contributors Philosophy, Justice, and Judaism, Gil Anidjar Columbia University Anti-Anti-Semitism: A Return
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Emily Dumler-Winckler on Erika Bachiochi In March of 2018, two artists and their models were unveiled as finalists for the honorary statue of
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Vincent Lloyd on Nathan G. Alexander What does an atheist want? The answer is simple: freedom from domination. A powerful instinct toward liberation
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Andrew Porwancher on Alexander Hamilton and American Jewish Culture Marjorie Taylor Greene—a Congresswoman representing Georgia’s 14th District—made headlines earlier this year after a
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Richard Calis on Alexander Bevilacqua, Noel Malcolm, Simon Mills, and Jürgen Osterhammel How did Europeans conceptualize the peoples, cultures, and religions of the
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