We all know that successful completion of graduate school does not guarantee a job with a living wage. Today, more than 50% of faculty appointments are part time and over 70% are NON-tenured positions. It is increasingly difficult for many to make a living as a higher ed instructor. These scholars and educators are faced with difficult choices. Some leave academia all together. Others find a creative ways to make a living while they continue to do the things they love.
The Indie Scholar podcast is a show that will feature independent scholars. These are folks who have earned graduate degrees, but have chosen (or have been forced to choose) non-traditional academic paths. They might be part-time faculty, non-profit managers, teachers, activists, journalist, government workers, or entrepreneurs. However, they continue to educate the world and produce knowledge in some way.
The Indie Scholar Podcast is actively seeking guests for 2017. If you know someone who you thinks should be featured on this show, nominate them by sending an email to show host Dave Krueger at: davidkrueger01 at gmail.com. Include a paragraph or two about them and why you think they should be on the show. Self-nominations are strongly encouraged! Lastly, this is not a show about people who have necessarily “made it.” It is meant to highlight the experiences of a wide variety persons at various stages of professional and vocational life.
The Indie Scholar Podcast is a show for and about scholars working at the edges of academia.
The song “Waiting Room” by Fugazi is used with permission. To purchase the album 13 Songs originally released in 1989, visit their page at Dischord Records. Fugazi is a band known for its DIY (Do-It-Yourself) ethos and resistance to the corporate music industry.