Hasidism Forum: A New History

Hasidism: A Forum

This forum is dedicated to our friend and colleague Professor Tzippi Kauffman who left this world much too early. She submitted her contribution to this forum only weeks before her passing. Her passion, brilliance, dedication to scholarship, and laughter will be remembered always.

Hasidism: An Introduction
Susannah Heschel and  Shaul Magid
(Dartmouth College)


Hasidism: Reflections on the New Narrative, Tsippi Kauffman
(Bar Ilan University)

Hasidism and the StateRachel Manekin
(University of Maryland)

Writing Hasidic GenderGlenn Dynner
(Sarah Lawrence College)

Reading White FireLea Taragin-Zeller
(University of Cambridge)

A Handbuch to Hasidism, Francois Guesnet
(University College London)

Excluding the Hasidic Tale, Hannan Hever
(Yale University)

Overcoming the Body through the Body: Ascetic Enfleshment and the Phenomenology of Hasidic Ritual, Elliot Wolfson
(UC Santa Barbara)

Gender Trouble in Hasidism: A New History, Susannah Heschel
(Dartmouth College)

Response to the Forum on Hasidism: A New History
David Assaf, David Biale, Benjamin Brown, Uriel Gellman, Samuel C. Heilman, Moshe Rosman, Gadi Sagiv and Marcin Wodzinski