Paul R. Hinlicky on Robert W. Jenson I. The theology of Robert W. Jenson signals epochal change. An American Lutheran who studied under
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Joshua Teplitsky on Yair Mintzker Yair Mintzker’s new book on crime, sensation, religious-ethnic difference, power, and perspective could not be more timely. The Many
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Yoav Di-Capua Reviews Fawaz Gerges Sayyid Qutb’s friends and associates are finally talking. They didn’t say much in prison during the 1950s and 1960s,
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Wesley Hill on Croasmun’s The Emergence of Sin: The Cosmic Tyrant in Romans A pastor friend in the midst of sermon preparation recently emailed
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Larry W. Hurtado on Paula Fredriksen’s When Christians Were Jews This latest book by Paula Fredriksen is aimed at a broad readership, and
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Myles Werntz on the Theological Implications of Immigration My own journey to thinking about the moral implications of immigration was relatively late; having
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Matteo Cantarello on Pablo Piccato’s A History of Infamy: Crime, Truth, and Justice in Mexico Today, crime speaks a universal language. Every day and
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Andrew Kau on The Oxford Handbook of English Law and Literature, 1500-1700 In a 2014 interview with The Harvard Gazette Stephen Greenblatt recounted his
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