Brad Holden

Managing Editor of Communications & Forums

R. Bradley Holden is an educator at heart. He knows that teachers can change lives because one changed his, and his career is a testament to this conviction. Currently, Brad is the English Department Chair of the Ranney School in Tinton Falls, New Jersey, where he has taught since 2017, and he is also the Managing Editor of Communications and Forums at the Marginalia Review of Books. He holds four degrees from Yale University and graduated summa cum laude from the Divinity School, where he was awarded the Julia A. Archibald High Scholarship prize, given “to that member of the graduating class who ranks highest in scholarship.” He then earned his Ph.D. in English and Renaissance Studies at Yale, and in that time was the recipient of a number of fellowships and awards, including the Elizabethan Club Dissertation Prize, the Cleanth Brooks Fellowship, and the Beinecke Rare Books Research Fellowship. Brad has also received awards to study in Israel and Germany. His passion for education informs his work as a writer and editor, too. Brad knows that good ideas and profound insights must be effectively communicated to make a difference. He has served as an editorial consultant on more than a dozen books and dissertations, which were eventually published by university presses such as Yale, Princeton, and Oxford; and he has also published peer-reviewed articles, translations, and poetry. With Samuel Loncar, he is at work on a translation of Martin Heidegger’s Sein und Zeit and a book on seventeenth-century England.

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