Pantheologies: Gods, Worlds, Monsters | A Forum

Pantheologies: Gods, Worlds, Monsters
A Forum


Remaking Our Many Worlds, Lisa H. Sideris
(UC Santa Barbara)

Who’s Afraid of Pantheism?, Clayton J. Crockett
(University of Central Arkansas)

What Gods and Monsters?, Beatrice Marovich
(Hanover College)

Worlds Without End, Catherine Keller
(Drew University)

Pantheism and The Anthropocene Era, Carol Wayne White
(Bucknell University)

 Are You A Pantheist?, William Robert
(Syracuse University)

Pantheism: A Monstrous Multiplicity?, Karmen MacKendrick
(Le Moyne College)

Divine Fragmentation, Jenna Supp-Montgomerie
(University of Iowa)

 Plants, Minerals, Philosophers, and Bacteria: What I Was Thinking, Mary-Jane Rubenstein
(Wesleyan University)