Timothy Michael Law

Founding Editor

TML GardenTimothy Michael Law is Founding Editor of the Marginalia Review of Books, Contributing Editor at the Los Angeles Review of Books, and Lecturer in Divinity at the University of St Andrews. He has been an Alexander von Humboldt Fellow in the Georg-August-Universität Göttingen (2012-2014), a British Academy Postdoctoral Fellow in the Oriental Institute at the University of Oxford (2009-2012), and a Junior Research Fellow at the Oxford Centre for Hebrew and Jewish Studies (2009-2014).

His latest book is When God Spoke Greek: The Septuagint and the Making of the Christian Bible, published by Oxford University Press. He is currently writing a book for Knopf Doubleday on the evolution of the figure of Solomon from the ancient world to the present. He is also co-editor of the Oxford Handbook of the Septuagint and of the new OUP series The Apocrypha in the History of Interpretation.

You can follow him on Twitter @TMichaelLaw, and his personal website is here.